A brand new, 8 week, course helping you to prepare for the ABRSM Grade 5 Theory exam

While learning all the requirements for the exam, I will also ‘debunk’ some of the myths and difficulties surrounding ‘theory’. Everything will be introduced in musical context and not just as an academic exercise as I find this helps you retain the information while at the same time understanding how and why things work.

Course Dates:

  • Sunday 14th April to Sunday 2nd June 2024 at 5pm [FULLY BOOKED]

Maximum 4 students per class and each class lasting an hour.

Total Cost: £120 per person

Course Content

Week 1:

Alto Clef
Tenor Clef
Key Signatures
Identifying The Key of a Melody
Scales and How They Are Constructed

Week 2:

Time Signatures and How to Identify Them
Irregular Rhythms
Grouping Notes in Different Time Signatures
Ordering Rests Correctly

Week 3:

Converting from Simple Time to Compound Time, and Vice Versa

Week 4:

Transposition and Transposing Instruments
Voice Ranges
Scales Revisited
Enharmonic Notes

Week 5:

Identifying Chords from a Melody

Week 6:

Repeats and Repetitions

Week 7:

Instrument Groups
Italian and German Terms Revision
Unusual Symbols

Week 8:

Revision and Past Paper Practice

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